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Coming up for Air-第17章

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and there were two other shopkeepers’ sons; an errand boy from the brewery; and two farm lads who sometimes managed to cut work and go off with the gang for a couple of hours。 the farm lads were great lumps bursting out of corduroy breeches; with very broad accents and rather looked down on by the rest of the gang; but they were tolerated because they knew twice as much about animals as any of the others。 one of them; nicknamed ginger; would even catch a rabbit in his hands occasionally。 if he saw one lying in the grass he used to fling himself on it like a spread…eagle。 there was a big social distinction between the shopkeepers’ sons and the sons of labourers and farm…hands; but the local boys didn’t usually pay much attention to it till they were about sixteen。 the gang had a secret password and an ‘ordeal’ which included cutting your finger and eating an earthworm; and they gave themselves out to be frightful desperadoes。 certainly they managed to make a nuisance of themselves; broke windows chased cows; tore the knockers off doors; and stole fruit by the hundredweight。 sometimes in winter they managed to borrow a couple of ferrets and go ratting; when the farmers would let them。 they all had catapults and squailers; and they were always saving up to buy a saloon pistol; which in those days cost five shillings; but the savings never amounted to more than about threepence。 in summer they used to go fishing and bird… nesting。 when joe was at mrs howlett’s he used to cut school at least once a week; and even at the grammar school he managed it about once a fortnight。 there was a boy at the grammar school; an auctioneer’s son; who could copy any handwriting and for a penny he’d forge a letter from your mother saying you’d been ill yesterday。 of course i was wild to join the black hand; but joe always choked me off and said they didn’t want any blasted kids hanging round。

it was the thought of going fishing that really appealed to me。 at eight years old i hadn’t yet been fishing; except with a penny net; with which you can sometimes catch a stickleback。 mother was always terrified of letting us go anywhere near water。 she ‘forbade’ fishing; in the way in which parents in those days ‘forbade’ almost everything; and i hadn’t yet grasped that grownups can’t see round corners。 but the thought of fishing sent me wild with excitement。 many a time i’d been past the pool at the mill farm and watched the small carp basking on the surface; and sometimes under the willow tree at the corner a great diamond… shaped carp that to my eyes looked enormous—six inches long; i suppose—would suddenly rise to the surface; gulp down a grub; and sink again。 i’d spent hours gluing my nose against the window of wallace’s in the high street; where fishing tackle and guns and bicycles were sold。 i used to lie awake on summer mornings thinking of the tales joe had told me about fishing; how you mixed bread paste; how your float gives a bob and plunges under and you feel the rod bending and the fish tugging at the line。 is it any use talking about it; i wonder—the sort of fairy light that fish and fishing tackle have in a kid’s eyes? some kids feel the same about guns and shooting; some feel it about motor…bikes or aeroplanes or horses。 it’s not a thing that you can explain or rationalize; it’s merely magic。 one morning—it was in june and i must have been eight—i knew that joe was going to cut school and go out fishing; and i made up my mind to follow。 in some way joe guessed what i was thinking about; and he started on me while we were dressing。

‘now then; young george! don’t you get thinking you’re ing with the gang today。 you stay back home。’

‘no; i didn’t。 i didn’t think nothing about it。’

‘yes; you did! you thought you were ing with the gang。’

‘no; i didn’t!’

‘yes; you did!’

‘no; i didn’t!’

‘yes; you did! you stay back home。 we don’t want any bloody kids along。’

joe had just learned the word ‘bloody’ and was always using it。 father overheard him once and swore that he’d thrash the life out of joe; but as usual he didn’t do so。 after breakfast joe started off on his bike; with his satchel and his grammar school cap; five minutes early as he always did when he meant to cut school; and when it was time for me to leave for mother howlett’s i sneaked off and hid in the lane behind the allotments。 i knew the gang were going to the pond at the mill farm; and i was going to follow them if they murdered me for it。 probably they’d give me a hiding; and probably i wouldn’t get home to dinner; and then mother would know that i’d cut school and i’d get another hiding; but i didn’t care。 i was just desperate to go fishing with the gang。 i was cunning; too。 i allowed joe plenty of time to make a circuit round and get to the mill farm by road; and then i followed down the lane and skirted round the meadows on the far side of the hedge; so as to get almost to the pond before the gang saw me。 it was a wonderful june morning。 the buttercups were up to my knees。 there was a breath of wind just stirring the tops of the elms; and the great green clouds of leaves were sort of soft and rich like silk。 and it was nine in the morning and i was eight years old; and all round me it was early summer; with great tangled hedges where the wild roses were still in bloom; and bits of soft white cloud drifting overhead; and in the distance the low hills and the dim blue masses of the woods round upper binfield。 and i didn’t give a damn for any of it。 all i was thinking of was the green pool and the carp and the gang with their hooks and lines and bread paste。 it was as though they were in paradise and i’d got to join them。 presently i managed to sneak up on them—four of them; joe and sid lovegrove and the errand boy and another shopkeeper’s son; harry barnes i think his name was。

joe turned and saw me。 ‘christ!’ he said。 ‘it’s the kid。’ he walked up to me like a tom…cat that’s going to start a fight。 ‘now then; you! what’d i tell you? you get back ‘ome double quick。’

both joe and i were inclined to drop our aitches if we were at all excited。 i backed away from him。

‘i’m not goin
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