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John Donne Selected Poems-第6章

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is love; or; that love childish is ;

let me not know that others know 

that she knows my paines; lest that so 

a tender shame make me mine own new woe。 

if thou give nothing; yet thou rt just; 

because i would not thy first motions trust ; 

small towns which stand stiff; till great shot 

enforce them; by wars law condition not ;

such in loves warfare is my case ;

i may not article for grace; 

having put love at last to show this face。 

this face; by which he could mand 

and change th idolatry of any land; 

this face; which; wheresoeer it es; 

can call vowd men from cloisters; dead from tombs; 

and melt both poles at once; and store 

deserts with cities; and make more 

mines in the earth; than quarries were before。 

for this love is enraged with me; 

yet kills not ; if i must example be

to future rebels; if th unborn

must learn by my being cut up and torn;

kill; and dissect me; love ; for this 

torture against thine own end is ;

rackd carcasses make ill anatomies。 

confined love。

some man unworthy to be possessor

of old or new love; himself being false or weak;

thought his pain and shame would be lesser;

if on womankind he might his anger wreak ;

and thence a law did grow;

one might but one man know ;

but are other creatures so?

are sun; moon; or stars by law forbidden

to smile where they list; or lend away their light?

are birds divorced or are they chidden

if they leave their mate; or lie abroad a night?

beasts do no jointures lose

though they new lovers choose ;

but we are made worse than those。

who eer riggd fair ships to lie in harbours;

and not to seek lands; or not to deal with all?

or built fair houses; set trees; and arbours;

only to lock up; or else to let them fall?

good is not good; unless

a thousand it possess;

but doth waste with greediness。

the dream。

dear love; for nothing less than thee

would i have broke this happy dream ;

it was a theme

for reason; much too strong for fantasy。

therefore thou wakedst me wisely ; yet 

my dream thou brokest not; but continuedst it。

thou art so true that thoughts of thee suffice

to make dreams truths; and fables histories ;

enter these arms; for since thou thoughtst it best;

not to dream all my dream; lets act the rest。

as lightning; or a tapers light;

thine eyes; and not thy noise waked me ;

yet i thought thee

—for thou lovest truth—an angel; at first sight ;

but when i saw thou sawst my heart;

and knewst my thoughts beyond an angels art;

when thou knewst what i dreamt; when thou knewst when

excess of joy would wake me; and camest then;

i must confess; it could not choose but be

profane; to think thee any thing but thee。

ing and staying showd thee; thee;

but rising makes me doubt; that now

thou art not thou。

that love is weak where fears as strong as he ;

tis not all spirit; pure and brave;

if mixture it of fear; shame; honour have ;

perchance as torches; which must ready be;

men light and put out; so thou dealst with me ;

thou camest to kindle; gost to e ; then i

will dream that hope again; but else would die。


John Donne Selected Poems…6

a valediction of weeping。

let me pour forth

my tears before thy face; whilst i stay here;

for thy face coins them; and thy stamp they bear;

and by this mintage they are something worth。

for thus they be

pregnant of thee ;

fruits of much grief they are; emblems of more ;

when a tear falls; that thou fallst which it bore ;

so thou and i are nothing then; when on a divers shore。

on a round ball

a workman; that hath copies by; can lay

an europe; afric; and an asia;

and quickly make that; which was nothing; all。

so doth each tear;

which thee doth wear;

a globe; yea world; by that impression grow;

till thy tears mixd with mine do overflow

this world; by waters sent from thee; my heaven dissolvèd so。

o ! more than moon;

draw not up seas to drown me in thy sphere ;

weep me not dead; in thine arms; but forbear

to teach the sea; what it may do too soon ;

let not the wind

example find

to do me more harm than it purposeth :

since thou and i sigh one anothers breath;

whoeer sighs most is cruellest; and hastes the others death。 

loves alchemy。

some that have deeper diggd loves mine than i;

say; where his centric happiness doth lie。

i have loved; and got; and told;

but should i love; get; tell; till i were old;

i should not find that hidden mystery。

o ! tis imposture all ;

and as no chemic yet th elixir got;

but glorifies his pregnant pot;

if by the way to him befall

some odoriferous thing; or medicinal;

so; lovers dream a rich and long delight;

but get a winter…seeming summers night。

our ease; our thrift; our honour; and our day;

shall we for this vain bubbles shadow pay?

ends love in this; that my man

can be as happy as i can; if he can

endure the short scorn of a bridegrooms play?

that loving wretch that swears;

tis not the bodies marry; but the minds;

which he in her angelic finds;

would swear as justly; that he hears;

in that days rude hoarse minstrelsy; the spheres。

hope not for mind in women ; at their best;

sweetness and wit they are; but mummy; possessd。

the curse。

whoever guesses; thinks; or dreams; he knows 

who is my mistress; wither by this curse ; 

him; only for his purse 

may some dull whore to love dispose; 

and then yield unto all that are his foes ; 

may he be scornd by one; whom all else scorn; 

forswear to others; what to her he hath sworn; 

with fear of missing; shame of getting; torn。 

madness his sorrow; gout his cramps; may he 

make; by but thinking who hath made him such ; 

and may he feel no touch 

of conscience; but of fame; and be 

anguishd; not that twas sin; but that twas she ; 

or may he for her virtue reverence 

one that hates him only for impotence; 

and equal traitors be she and his sense。 

may he dream treason; and believe that he 

meant to perform it; a
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