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John Donne Selected Poems-第3章

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some man; his art and voice to show;

doth set and sing my pain ;

and; by delighting many; frees again

grief; which verse did restrain。

to love and grief tribute of verse belongs;

but not of such as pleases when tis read。

both are increasèd by such songs;

for both their triumphs so are published;

and i; which was two fools; do so grow three。

who are a little wise; the best fools be。

lovers infiniteness。

if yet i have not all thy love;

dear; i shall never have it all ;

i cannot breathe one other sigh; to move;

nor can intreat one other tear to fall ;

and all my treasure; which should purchase thee;

sighs; tears; and oaths; and letters i have spent ;

yet no more can be due to me;

than at the bargain made was meant。

if then thy gift of love were partial;

that some to me; some should to others fall;

dear; i shall never have thee all。

or if then thou gavest me all;

all was but all; which thou hadst then ;

but if in thy heart since there be or shall

new love created be by other men;

which have their stocks entire; and can in tears;

in sighs; in oaths; and letters; outbid me;

this new love may beget new fears;

for this love was not vowd by thee。

and yet it was; thy gift being general ;

the ground; thy heart; is mine ; what ever shall

grow there; dear; i should have it all。

yet i would not have all yet。

he that hath all can have no more ;

and since my love doth every day admit

new growth; thou shouldst have new rewards in store ;

thou canst not every day give me thy heart;

if thou canst give it; then thou never gavest it ;

loves riddles are; that though thy heart depart;

it stays at home; and thou with losing savest it ;

but we will have a way more liberal;

than changing hearts; to join them ; so we shall

be one; and one anothers all。 


sweetest love; i do not go;

for weariness of thee;

nor in hope the world can show

a fitter love for me ;

but since that i

at the last must part; tis best;

thus to use myself in jest

by feigned deaths to die。

yesternight the sun went hence;

and yet is here to…day ;

he hath no desire nor sense;

nor half so short a way ;

then fear not me;

but believe that i shall make

speedier journeys; since i take

more wings and spurs than he。

o how feeble is mans power;

that if good fortune fall;

cannot add another hour;

nor a lost hour recall ;

but e bad chance;

and we join to it our strength;

and we teach it art and length;

itself oer us to advance。

when thou sighst; thou sighst not wind;

but sighst my soul away ;

when thou weepst; unkindly kind;

my lifes blood doth decay。

it cannot be

that thou lovest me as thou sayst;

if in thine my life thou waste;

that art the best of me。

let not thy divining heart

forethink me any ill ;

destiny may take thy part;

and may thy fears fulfil。

but think that we

are but turnd aside to sleep。

they who one another keep

alive; neer parted be。

the legacy。

when last i died; and; dear; i die 

as often as from thee i go; 

though it be but an hour ago

—and lovers hours be full eternity—

i can remember yet; that i 

something did say; and something did bestow ;

though i be dead; which sent me; i might be 

mine own executor; and legacy。

i heard me say; 〃tell her anon; 

that myself;〃 that is you; not i; 

〃 did kill me;〃 and when i felt me die;

i bid me send my heart; when i was gone ;

but i alas ! could there find none ;

when i had rippd; and searchd where hearts should lie;

it killd me again; that i who still was true

in life; in my last will should cozen you。

yet i found something like a heart; 

but colours it; and corners had ;

it was not good; it was not bad;

it was entire to none; and few had part ;

as good as could be made by art 

it seemd; and therefore for our loss be sad。

i meant to send that heart instead of mine; 

but o ! no man could hold it; for twas thine。

John Donne Selected Poems…4

a fever。

o ! do not die; for i shall hate

all women so; when thou art gone;

that thee i shall not celebrate;

when i remember thou wast one。

but yet thou canst not die; i know ;

to leave this world behind; is death ;

but when thou from this world wilt go;

the whole world vapours with thy breath。

or if; when thou; the worlds soul; gost;

it stay; tis but thy carcase then ;

the fairest woman; but thy ghost;

but corrupt worms; the worthiest men。

o wrangling schools; that search what fire

shall burn this world; had none the wit

unto this knowledge to aspire;

that this her feaver might be it?

and yet she cannot waste by this;

nor long bear this torturing wrong;

for more corruption needful is;

to fuel such a fever long。

these burning fits but meteors be;

whose matter in thee is soon spent ;

thy beauty; and all parts; which are thee;

are unchangeable firmament。

yet twas of my mind; seizing thee;

though it in thee cannot perséver ;

for i had rather owner be

of thee one hour; than all else ever。

air and angels。

twice or thrice had i loved thee;

before i knew thy face or name ;

so in a voice; so in a shapeless flame

angels affect us oft; and worshippd be。

still when; to where thou wert; i came;

some lovely glorious nothing did i see。

but since my soul; whose child love is;

takes limbs of flesh; and else could nothing do;

more subtle than the parent is

love must not be; but take a body too ;

and therefore what thou wert; and who;

i bid love ask; and now

that it assume thy body; i allow;

and fix itself in thy lip; eye; and brow。

whilst thus to ballast love i thought;

and so more steadily to have gone;

with wares which would sink admiration;

i saw i had loves pinnace overfraught ;

thy every hair for love to work upon

is much too much ; some fitter must be sought ;

for; nor in nothing; nor in things

extreme; and scattering bright; can love inhere ;

then as an angel face and wings

of air; not pure as it; yet pure d
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