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John Donne Selected Poems-第12章

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with name of chaste ;

and that she frowns lest longing should exceed;

and raging breed ;

so her disdains can neer offend;

unless self…love take private end。


tis love breeds love in me; and cold disdain

kills that again;

as water causeth fire to fret and fume;

till all consume。

who can of love more rich gift make;

that to loves self for loves own sake?

ill never dig in quarry of an heart

to have no part;

nor roast in fiery eyes; which always are


who this way would a lover prove;

may show his patience; not his love。

a frown may be sometimes for physic good;

but not for food ;

and for that raging humour there is sure

a gentler cure。

why bar you love of private end;

which never should to public tend?

the token。

send me some tokens; that my hope may live

or that my easeless thoughts may sleep and rest ;

send me some honey; to make sweet my hive;

that in my passions i may hope the best。

i beg nor ribbon wrought with thine own hands;

to knit our loves in the fantastic strain

of new…touchd youth ; nor ring to show the stands

of our affection; that; as thats round and plain;

so should our loves meet in simplicity ;

no; nor the corals; which thy wrist enfold;

laced up together in congruity;

to show our thoughts should rest in the same hold ;

no; nor thy picture; though most gracious; 

and most desired; cause tis like the best

nor witty lines; which are most copious;

within the writings which thou hast addressd。

send me nor this nor that; to increase my score;

but swear thou thinkst i love thee; and no more。


he that cannot choose but love;

and strives against it still;

never shall my fancy move;

for he loves against his will ;

nor he which is all his own;

and cannot pleasure choose ;

when i am caught he can be gone;

and when he list refuse ;

nor he that loves none but fair;

for such by all are sought ;

nor he that can for foul ones care;

for his judgement then is nought ;

nor he that hath wit; for he

will make me his jest or slave ;

nor a fool when others —

he can neither —

nor he that still his mistress prays;

for she is thralld therefore ;

nor he that pays; not; for he says

within; shes worth no more。

is there then no kind of men

whom i may freely prove?

i will vent that humour then

in mine own self…love。


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