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John Donne Selected Poems-第10章

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she were scarce anything ; and then; should she 

be more than woman; she would get above 

all thought of sex; and think to move 

my heart to study her; and not to love。 

both these were monsters ; since there must reside 

falsehood in woman; i could more abide; 

she were by art; than nature falsified。 

live; primrose; then; and thrive 

with thy true number five ; 

and; woman; whom this flower doth represent; 

with this mysterious number be content ; 

ten is the farthest number ; if half ten 

belongs to each woman; then 

each woman may take half us men ; 

or—if this will not serve their turn—since all 

numbers are odd; or even; and they fall 

first into five; women may take us all。


John Donne Selected Poems…9

the relic。

when my grave is broke up again

some second guest to entertain;

—for graves have learnd that woman…head;

to be to more than one a bed—

and he that digs it; spies

a bracelet of bright hair about the bone;

will he not let us alone;

and think that there a loving couple lies;

who thought that this device might be some way

to make their souls at the last busy day

meet at this grave; and make a little stay?

if this fall in a time; or land;

where mass…devotion doth mand;

then he that digs us up will bring

us to the bishop or the king;

to make us relics ; then

thou shalt be a mary magdalen; and i

a something else thereby ;

all women shall adore us; and some men。

and; since at such time miracles are sought;

i would have that age by this paper taught

what miracles we harmless lovers wrought。

first we loved well and faithfully;

yet knew not what we loved; nor why ;

difference of sex we never knew;

no more than guardian angels do ;

ing and going we

perchance might kiss; but not between those meals ;

our hands neer touchd the seals;

which nature; injured by late law; sets free。

these miracles we did ; but now alas !

all measure; and all language; i should pass;

should i tell what a miracle she was。 

the damp。

when i am dead; and doctors know not why;

and my friends curiosity

will have me cut up to survey each part;

when they shall find your picture in my heart;

you think a sudden damp of love

will thorough all their senses move;

and work on them as me; and so prefer

your murder to the name of massacre;

poor victories ; but if you dare be brave;

and pleasure in your conquest have;

first kill th enormous giant; your disdain ;

and let th enchantress honour; next be slain ;

and like a goth and vandal rise;

deface records and histories

of your own arts and triumphs over men;

and without such advantage kill me then;

for i could muster up; as well as you;

my giants; and my witches too;

which are vast constancy and secretness ;

but these i neither look for nor profess ;

kill me as woman; let me die

as a mere man ; do you but try

your passive valour; and you shall find then;

naked you have odds enough of any man。

the dissolution。

shes dead ; and all which die

to their first elements resolve ;

and we were mutual elements to us;

and made of one another。

my body then doth hers involve;

and those things whereof i consist hereby

in me abundant grow; and burdenous;

and nourish not; but smother。

my fire of passion; sighs of air;

water of tears; and earthly sad despair;

which my materials be;

but near worn out by loves security;

she; to my loss; doth by her death repair。

and i might live long wretched so;

but that my fire doth with my fuel grow。

now; as those active kings

whose foreign conquest treasure brings;

receive more; and spend more; and soonest break;

this —which i am amazed that i can speak—

this death; hath with my store

my use increased。

and so my soul; more earnestly released;

will outstrip hers ; as bullets flown before

a latter bullet may oertake; the powder being more。

a jet ring sent。

thou art not so black as my heart; 

nor half so brittle as her heart; thou art ; 

what wouldst thou say ? shall both our properties by thee be spoke; 

—nothing more endless; nothing sooner broke? 

marriage rings are not of this stuff ; 

oh; why should ought less precious; or less tough 

figure our loves ? except in thy name thou have bid it say; 

〃—im cheap; and nought but fashion ; fling me away。〃 

yet stay with me since thou art e; 

circle this fingers top; which didst her thumb ; 

be justly proud; and gladly safe; that thou dost dwell with me ; 

she that; o ! broke her faith; would soon break thee。 

negative love。

i never stoopd so low; as they 

which on an eye; cheek; lip; can prey ;

seldom to them which soar no higher 

than virtue; or the mind to admire。 

for sense and understanding may 

know what gives fuel to their fire ; 

my love; though silly; is more brave ; 

for may i miss; wheneer i crave; 

if i know yet what i would have。

if that be simply perfectest;

which can by no way be expressd 

but negatives; my love is so。 

to all; which all love; i say no。 

if any who deciphers best; 

what we know not—ourselves—can know; 

let him teach me that nothing。 this 

as yet my ease and fort is; 

though i speed not; i cannot miss。

the prohibition。

take heed of loving me ;

at least remember; i forbade it thee ;

not that i shall repair my unthrifty waste

of breath and blood; upon thy sighs and tears;

by being to thee then what to me thou wast ;

but so great joy our life at once outwears。

then; lest thy love by my death frustrate be;

if thou love me; take heed of loving me。

take heed of hating me;

or too much triumph in the victory ;

not that i shall be mine own officer;

and hate with hate again retaliate ;

but thou wilt lose the style of conqueror;

if i; thy conquest; perish by thy hate。

then; lest my being nothing lessen thee;

if thou hate me; take heed of hating me。

yet love and hate me too ;

so these extremes shall neer their office do ;

love me; that i may die the gentl
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