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The Lion, the Witch and the War-第22章

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nt hurry so much and they allowed themselves  more rests and longer ones。 they were pretty tired by now of course; but not what id call  bitterly tired … only slow and feeling very dreamy and quiet inside as one does when one is  ing to the end of a long day in the open。 susan had a slight blister on one heel。

they had left the course of the big river some time ago; for one had to  turn a little to the right (that meant a little to the south) to reach the place of the stone  table。 even if this had not been their way they couldnt have kept to the river valley once the  thaw began; for with all that melting snow the river was soon in flood … a wonderful;  roaring; thundering yellow flood … and their path would have been under water。

and now the sun got low and the light got redder and the shadows got longer  and the flowers began to think about closing。

〃not long now;〃 said mr beaver; and began leading them uphill across some  very deep; springy moss (it felt nice under their tired feet) in a place where only  tall trees grew; very wide apart。 the climb; ing at the end of the long day; made them all  pant and blow。

and just as lucy was wondering whether she could really get to the top  without another long rest; suddenly they were at the top。 and this is what they saw。

they were on a green open space from which you could look down on the  forest spreading as far as one could see in every direction … except right ahead。  there; far to the east; was something twinkling and moving。 〃by gum!〃 whispered peter to  susan; 〃the sea!〃 in the very middle of this open hill…top was the stone table。 it was  a great grim slab of grey stone supported on four upright stones。 it looked very old; and it  was cut all over with strange lines and figures that might be the letters of an unknown  language。 they gave you a curious feeling when you looked at them。 the next thing they saw  was a pavilion pitched on one side of the open place。 a wonderful pavilion it was  … and especially now when the light of the setting sun fell upon it … with sides  of what looked like yellow silk and cords of crimson and tent…pegs of ivory; and high  above it on a pole a banner which bore a red rampant lion fluttering in the breeze which was  blowing in their faces from the far…off sea。 while they were looking at this they heard a  sound of music on their right; and turning in that direction they saw what they had e to  see。

aslan stood in the centre of a crowd of creatures who had grouped  themselves round him in the shape of a half…moon。 there were tree…women there and well…women  (dryads and naiads as they used to be called in our world) who had stringed  instruments; it was they who had made the music。 there were four great centaurs。 the horse part  of them was like huge english farm horses; and the man part was like stern but  beautiful giants。

there was also a unicorn; and a bull with the head of a man; and a pelican;  and an eagle; and a great dog。 and next to aslan stood two leopards of whom one carried  his crown and the other his standard。

but as for aslan himself; the beavers and the children didnt know what to  do or say when they saw him。 people who have not been in narnia sometimes think that  a thing cannot be good and terrible at the same time。 if the children had ever  thought so; they were cured of it now。 for when they tried to look at aslans face they just  caught a glimpse of the golden mane and the great; royal; solemn; overwhelming eyes;  and then they found they couldnt look at him and went all trembly。

〃go on;〃 whispered mr beaver。

〃no;〃 whispered peter; 〃you first。”

〃no; sons of adam before animals;〃 whispered mr beaver back again。

〃susan;〃 whispered peter; 〃what about you? ladies first。”

〃no; youre the eldest;〃 whispered susan。 and of course the longer they  went on doing this the more awkward they felt。 then at last peter realized that it was up  to him。 he drew his sword and raised it to the salute and hastily saying to the others  〃e on。 pull yourselves together;〃 he advanced to the lion and said:  〃we have e … aslan。”

〃wele; peter; son of adam;〃 said aslan。 〃wele; susan and lucy;  daughters of eve。 wele he…beaver and she…beaver。”

his voice was deep and rich and somehow took the fidgets out of them。 they  now felt glad and quiet and it didnt seem awkward to them to stand and say nothing。

〃but where is the fourth?〃 asked aslan。

〃he has tried to betray them and joined the white witch; o aslan;〃 said mr  beaver。 and then something made peter say;  〃that was partly my fault; aslan。 i was angry with him and i think that  helped him to go wrong。”

and aslan said nothing either to excuse peter or to blame him but merely  stood looking at him with his great unchanging eyes。 and it seemed to all of them that  there was nothing to be said。

〃please … aslan;〃 said lucy; 〃can anything be done to save edmund?”

〃all shall be done;〃 said aslan。 〃but it may be harder than you think。〃 and  then he was silent again for some time。 up to that moment lucy had been thinking how  royal and strong and peaceful his face looked; now it suddenly came into her head  that he looked sad as well。 but next minute that expression was quite gone。 the lion shook  his mane and clapped his paws together (〃terrible paws;〃 thought lucy; 〃if he didnt  know how to velvet them!〃) and said;  〃meanwhile; let the feast be prepared。 ladies; take these daughters of eve  to the pavilion and minister to them。”

when the girls had gone aslan laid his paw … and though it was velveted it  was very heavy … on peters shoulder and said; 〃e; son of adam; and i will show  you a far…off sight of the castle where you are to be king。”

and peter with his sword still drawn in his hand went with the lion to the  eastern edge of the hilltop。 there a beautiful sight met their eyes。 the sun was setting  behind their backs。

that meant that the whole country below them lay in the evening light …  forest and hills and valleys and; winding away like a silver snake; the lower part of the  great river。 and beyond all this; miles away; was the sea; and beyond the sea the sky; full  of clouds which were just turning rose colour with the 
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