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The Lion, the Witch and the War-第11章

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them very hard。 (you couldnt have found a robin with a redder  chest or a brighter eye。)  〃do you know;〃 said lucy; 〃i really believe he means us to follow him。”

〃ive an idea he does;〃 said susan。 〃what do you think; peter?”

〃well; we might as well try it;〃 answered peter。

the robin appeared to understand the matter thoroughly。 it kept going from  tree to tree; always a few yards ahead of them; but always so near that they could easily  follow it。 in this way it led them on; slightly downhill。 wherever the robin alighted a  little shower of snow would fall off the branch。 presently the clouds parted overhead and  the winter sun came out and the snow all around them grew dazzlingly bright。 they had been  travelling in this way for about half an hour; with the two girls in front; when  edmund said to peter; 〃if youre not still too high and mighty to talk to me; ive something to  say which youd better listen to。”

〃what is it?〃 asked peter。

〃hush! not so loud;〃 said edmund; 〃theres no good frightening the girls。  but have you realized what were doing?”

〃what?〃 said peter; lowering his voice to a whisper。

〃were following a guide we know nothing about。 how do we know which side  that bird is on? why shouldnt it be leading us into a trap?”

〃thats a nasty idea。 still … a robin; you know。 theyre good birds in all  the stories ive ever read。 im sure a robin wouldnt be on the wrong side。”

〃it if es to that; which is the right side? how do we know that the  fauns are in the right and the queen (yes; i know weve been told shes a witch) is in the  wrong? we dont really know anything about either。”

〃the faun saved lucy。”

〃he said he did。 but how do we know? and theres another thing too。 has  anyone the least idea of the way home from here?”

〃great scott!〃 said peter; 〃i hadnt thought of that。”

〃and no chance of dinner either;〃 said edmund。



a day with the beavers   

while the two boys were whispering behind; both the girls suddenly cried  〃oh!〃 and stopped。

〃the robin!〃 cried lucy; 〃the robin。 its flown away。〃 and so it had …  right out of sight。

〃and now what are we to do?〃 said edmund; giving peter a look which was as  much as to say 〃what did i tell you?”

〃sh! look!〃 said susan。

〃what?〃 said peter。

〃theres something moving among the trees over there to the left。”

they all stared as hard as they could; and no one felt very fortable。

〃there it goes again;〃 said susan presently。

〃i saw it that time too;〃 said peter。 〃its still there。 its just gone  behind that big tree。”

〃what is it?〃 asked lucy; trying very hard not to sound nervous。

〃whatever it is;〃 said peter; 〃its dodging us。 its something that doesnt  want to be seen。”

〃lets go home;〃 said susan。 and then; though nobody said it out loud;  everyone suddenly realized the same fact that edmund had whispered to peter at the  end of the last chapter。 they were lost。

〃whats it like?〃 said lucy。

〃its … its a kind of animal;〃 said susan; and then; 〃look! look! quick!  there it is。”

they all saw it this time; a whiskered furry face which had looked out at  them from behind a tree。 but this time it didnt immediately draw back。 instead; the  animal put its paw against its mouth just as humans put their finger on their lips when  they are signalling to you to be quiet。 then it disappeared again。 the children; all  stood holding their breath。

a moment later the stranger came out from behind the tree; glanced all  round as if it were afraid someone was watching; said 〃hush〃; made signs to them to join it in  the thicker bit of wood where it was standing; and then once more disappeared。

〃i know what it is;〃 said peter; 〃its a beaver。 i saw the tail。”

〃it wants us to go to it;〃 said susan; 〃and it is warning us not to make a  noise。”

〃i know;〃 said peter。 〃the question is; are we to go to it or not? what do  you think; lu?”

〃i think its a nice beaver;〃 said lucy。

〃yes; but how do we know?〃 said edmund。

〃shant we have to risk it?〃 said susan。 〃i mean; its no good just  standing here and i feel i want some dinner。”

at this moment the beaver again popped its head out from behind the tree  and beckoned earnestly to them。

〃e on;〃 said peter;〃lets give it a try。 all keep close together。 we  ought to be a match for one beaver if it turns out to be an enemy。”

so the children all got close together and walked up to the tree and in  behind it; and there; sure enough; they found the beaver; but it still drew back; saying to them  in a hoarse throaty whisper; 〃further in; e further in。 right in here。 were not  safe in the open!”

only when it had led them into a dark spot where four trees grew so close  together that their boughs met and the brown earth and pine needles could be seen  underfoot because no snow had been able to fall there; did it begin to talk to them。

〃are you the sons of adam and the daughters of eve?〃 it said。

〃were some of them;〃 said peter。

〃s…s…s…sh!〃 said the beaver; 〃not so loud please。 were not safe even  here。”

〃why; who are you afraid of?〃 said peter。 〃theres no one here but  ourselves。”

〃there are the trees;〃 said the beaver。 〃theyre always listening。 most of  them are on our side; but there are trees that would betray us to her; you know who i  mean;〃 and it nodded its head several times。

〃if it es to talking about sides;〃 said edmund; 〃how do we know youre a  friend?”

〃not meaning to be rude; mr beaver;〃 added peter; 〃but you see; were  strangers。”

〃quite right; quite right;〃 said the beaver。 〃here is my token。〃 with these  words it held up to them a little white object。 they all looked at it in surprise; till  suddenly lucy said; 〃oh; of course。 its my handkerchief … the one i gave to poor mr tumnus。”

〃thats right;〃 said the beaver。 〃poor fellow; he got wind of the arrest  before it actually happened and handed this over to me。 he said that if anything happened to  him i must meet you here and take you on to …〃 here the beavers voice sank into  silence and it gave  

one or two very mysterious nods。 then signalling to the children to stand  as close around it as they pos
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