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Paradise Lost Ⅲ-第7章

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with borrowd light her countenance triform ' 730 '

hence fills and empties to enlighten th earth;

and in her pale dominion checks the night。

that spot to which i point is paradise;

adams abode; those loftie shades his bowre。

thy way thou canst not miss; me mine requires。 ' 735 '

thus said; he turnd; and satan bowing low;

as to superior spirits is wont in heaven;

where honour due and reverence none neglects;

took leave; and toward the coast of earth beneath;

down from th ecliptic; sped with hopd success; ' 740 '

throws his steep flight in many an aerie wheele;

nor staid; till on niphates top he lights。

the end of the third book。


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