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Paradise Lost Ⅲ-第5章

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cleombrotus; and many more too long;

embryos and idiots; eremits and friers

white; black and grey; with all thir trumperie。 ' 475 '

here pilgrims roam; that strayd so farr to seek

in golgotha him dead; who lives in heavn;

and they who to be sure of paradise

dying put on the weeds of dominic;

or in franciscan think to pass disguisd; ' 480 '

they pass the planets seven; and pass the fixt;

and that crystalline sphear whose ballance weighs

the trepidation talkt; and that first movd;

and now saint peter at heavns wicket seems

to wait them with his keys; and now at foot ' 485 '

of heavns ascent they lift thir feet; when loe

a violent cross wind from either coast

blows them transverse ten thousand leagues awry

into the devious air; then might ye see

cowles; hoods and habits with thir wearers tost ' 490 '

and flutterd into raggs; then reliques; beads;

indulgences; dispenses; pardons; bulls;

the sport of winds: all these upwhirld aloft

fly ore the backside of the world farr off

into a limbo large and broad; since calld ' 495 '

the paradise of fools; to few unknown

long after; now unpeopld; and untrod;

all this dark globe the fiend found as he passd;

and long he wanderd; till at last a gleame

of dawning light turnd thither…ward in haste ' 500 '

his travelld steps; farr distant he descries

ascending by degrees magnificent

up to the wall of heaven a structure high;

at top whereof; but farr more rich appeerd

the work as of a kingly palace gate ' 505 '

with frontispice of diamond and gold

imbellisht; thick with sparkling orient gemmes

the portal shon; inimitable on earth

by model; or by shading pencil drawn。


Paradise Lost Ⅲ12

the stairs were such as whereon jacob saw ' 510 '

angels ascending and descending; bands

of guardians bright; when he from esau fled

to padan…aram in the field of luz;

dreaming by night under the open skie;

and waking crid; this is the gate of heavn ' 515 '

each stair mysteriously was meant; nor stood

there alwayes; but drawn up to heavn somtimes

viewless; and underneath a bright sea flowd

of jasper; or of liquid pearle; whereon

who after came from earth; sayling arrivd; ' 520 '

wafted by angels; or flew ore the lake

rapt in a chariot drawn by fiery steeds。

the stairs were then let down; whether to dare

the fiend by easie ascent; or aggravate

his sad exclusion from the dores of bliss。 ' 525 '

direct against which opnd from beneath;

just ore the blissful seat of paradise;

a passage down to th earth; a passage wide;

wider by farr then that of after…times

over mount sion; and; though that were large; ' 530 '

over the promisd land to god so dear;

by which; to visit oft those happy tribes;

on high behests his angels to and fro

passd frequent; and his eye with choice regard

from paneas the fount of jordans flood ' 535 '

to beersaba; where the holy land

borders on ?gypt and th arabian shoare;

so wide the opning seemd; where bounds were set

to darkness; such as bound the ocean wave。

satan from hence now on the lower stair ' 540 '

that scald by steps of gold to heavn gate

looks down with wonder at the sudden view

of all this world at once。 as when a scout

through dark and desart wayes with peril gone

all night; at last by break of chearful dawne ' 545 '

obtains the brow of some high…climbing hill;

which to his eye discovers unaware

the goodly prospect of some forein land

first…seen; or some renownd metropolis

with glistering spires and pinnacles adornd; ' 550 '

which now the rising sun guilds with his beams。

such wonder seisd; though after heaven seen;

the spirit maligne; but much more envy seisd

at sight of all this world beheld so faire。


Paradise Lost Ⅲ13

round he surveys; and well might; where he stood ' 555 '

so high above the circling canopie

of nights extended shade; from eastern point

of libra to the fleecie starr that bears

andromeda farr off atlantic seas

beyond th horizon; then from pole to pole ' 560 '

he views in bredth; and without longer pause

down right into the worlds first region throws

his flight precipitant; and windes with ease

through the pure marble air his oblique way

amongst innumerable starrs; that shon ' 565 '

stars distant; but nigh hand seemd other worlds;

or other worlds they seemd; or happy iles;

like those hesperian gardens famd of old;

fortunate fields; and groves and flourie vales;

thrice happy iles; but who dwelt happy there ' 570 '

he stayd not to enquire: above them all

the golden sun in splendor likest heaven

allurd his eye: thither his course he bends

through the calm firmament; but up or downe

by center; or eccentric; hard to tell; ' 575 '

or longitude; where the great luminarie

alooff the vulgar constellations thick;

that from his lordly eye keep distance due;

dispenses light from farr; they as they move

thir starry dance in numbers that pute ' 580 '

days; months; & years; towards his all…chearing lamp

turn swift thir various motions; or are turnd

by his magnetic beam; that gently warms

the univers; and to each inward part

with gentle penetration; though unseen; ' 585 '

shoots invisible vertue even to the deep:

so wondrously was set his station bright。

there lands the fiend; a spot like which perhaps

astronomer in the suns lucent orbe

through his glazd optic tube yet never saw。 ' 590 '

the place he found beyond expression bright;

pard with aught on earth; medal or stone;

not all parts like; but all alike informd

with radiant light; as glowing iron with fire;

if mettal; part seemd gold; part silver cleer; ' 595 '

if stone; carbuncle most or chrysolite;

rubie or topaz; to the twelve that shon

in aarons brest…plate; and a stone besides

imagind rather oft then elsewhere seen;

that stone; or like to that which here below ' 600 '

philosophers in vain so long have sought;

in vain; though by thir powerful art they binde

volatil hermes; and call up unbound

in v
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