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Paradise Lost Ⅲ-第4章

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loud as from numbers without number; sweet

as from blest voices; uttering joy; heavn rung

with jubilee; and loud hosannas filld

th eternal regions: lowly reverent

towards either throne they bow; and to the ground ' 350 '

with solemn adoration down they cast

thir crowns inwove with amarant and gold;

immortal amarant; a flour which once

in paradise; fast by the tree of life

began to bloom; but soon for mans offence ' 355 '

to heavn removd where first it grew; there grows;

and flours aloft shading the fount of life;

and where the river of bliss through midst of heavn

rowls ore elisian flours her amber stream;

with these that never fade the spirits elect ' 360 '

bind thir resplendent locks inwreathd with beams;

now in loose garlands thick thrown off; the bright

pavement that like a sea of jasper shon

impurpld with celestial roses smild。

then crownd again thir goldn harps they took; ' 365 '

harps ever tund; that glittering by thir side

like quivers hung; and with pr?amble sweet

of charming symphonie they introduce

thir sacred song; and waken raptures high;

no voice exempt; no voice but well could joine ' 370 '

melodious part; such concord is in heavn。

thee father first they sung omnipotent;

immutable; immortal; infinite;

eternal king; thee author of all being;

fountain of light; thy self invisible ' 375 '

amidst the glorious brightness where thou sitst

thrond inaccessible; but when thou shadst

the full blaze of thy beams; and through a cloud

drawn round about thee like a radiant shrine;

dark with excessive bright thy skirts appeer; ' 380 '

yet dazle heavn; that brightest seraphim

approach not; but with both wings veil thir eyes;

thee next they sang of all creation first;

begotten son; divine similitude;

in whose conspicuous countnance; without cloud ' 385 '

made visible; th almighty father shines;

whom else no creature can behold; on thee

impresst the effulgence of his glorie abides;

transfusd on thee his ample spirit rests。

。d  。

Paradise Lost Ⅲ10

hee heavn of heavens and all the powers therein ' 390 '

by thee created; and by thee threw down

th aspiring dominations: thou that day

thy fathers dreadful thunder didst not spare;

nor stop thy flaming chariot wheels; that shook

heavns everlasting frame; while ore the necks ' 395 '

thou drovst of warring angels disarraid。

back from pursuit thy powers with loud acclaime

thee only extolld; son of thy fathers might;

to execute fierce vengeance on his foes;

not so on man; him through their malice falln; ' 400 '

father of mercie and grace; thou didst not doome

so strictly; but much more to pitie encline:

no sooner did thy dear and onely son

perceive thee purposd not to doom frail man

so strictly; but much more to pitie enclind; ' 405 '

he to appease thy wrauth; and end the strife

of mercy and justice in thy face discernd;

regardless of the bliss wherein hee sat

second to thee; offerd himself to die

for mans offence。 o unexampld love; ' 410 '

love no where to be found less then divine!

hail son of god; saviour of men; thy name

shall be the copious matter of my song

henceforth; and never shall my harp thy praise

forget; nor from thy fathers praise disjoine。 ' 415 '

thus they in heavn; above the starry sphear;

thir happie hours in joy and hymning spent。

mean while upon the firm opacous globe

of this round world; whose first convex divides

the luminous inferior orbs; enclosd ' 420 '

from chaos and th inroad of darkness old;

satan alighted walks: a globe farr off

it seemd; now seems a boundless continent

dark; waste; and wild; under the frown of night

starless exposd; and ever…threatning storms ' 425 '

of chaos blustring round; inclement skie;

save on that side which from the wall of heavn

though distant farr some small reflection gaines

of glimmering air less vext with tempest loud:

here walkd the fiend at large in spacious field。 ' 430 '


Paradise Lost Ⅲ11

as when a vultur on imaus bred;

whose snowie ridge the roving tartar bounds;

dislodging from a region scarce of prey

to gorge the flesh of lambs or yeanling kids

on hills where flocks are fed; flies toward the springs ' 435 '

of ganges or hydaspes; indian streams;

but in his way lights on the barren plaines

of sericana; where chineses drive

with sails and wind thir canie waggons light:

so on this windie sea of land; the fiend ' 440 '

walkd up and down alone bent on his prey;

alone; for other creature in this place

living or liveless to be found was none;

none yet; but store hereafter from the earth

up hither like aereal vapours flew ' 445 '

of all things transitorie and vain; when sin

with vanity had filld the works of men:

both all things vain; and all who in vain things

built thir fond hopes of glorie or lasting fame;

or happiness in this or th other life; ' 450 '

all who have thir reward on earth; the fruits

of painful superstition and blind zeal;

naught seeking but the praise of men; here find

fit retribution; emptie as thir deeds;

all th unacplisht works of natures hand; ' 455 '

abortive; monstrous; or unkindly mixt;

dissolvd on earth; fleet hither; and in vain;

till final dissolution; wander here;

not in the neighbouring moon; as some have dreamd;

those argent fields more likely habitants; ' 460 '

translated saints; or middle spirits hold

betwixt th angelical and human kinde:

hither of ill…joynd sons and daughters born

first from the ancient world those giants came

with many a vain exploit; though then renownd: ' 465 '

the builders next of babel on the plain

of sennaar; and still with vain designe

new babels; had they wherewithall; would build:

others came single; he who to be deemd

a god; leapd fondly into ?tna flames ' 470 '

empedocles; and hee who to enjoy

platos elysium; leapd into the sea;

cleombrotus; and many more too long;

embryos and idiots; eremits and friers

white; black and 
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