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都市人彷徨的生活:长夜半生 作者:吴正                        
云南人民出版社 出版                 
…A Synopsis 
In 1949; China's cosmopolitan Shanghai; 〃the Paris of the East〃; closed all her gates to the outside world; until 1979。 It was a lapse of thirty years。 
1979 saw Shanghai re…immerse herself into the international munity; followed by another earthshaking twenty…year when the entire social ecosystem went through fundamental changes。 
Meanwhile; Hong Kong; 〃the London of the East〃 witnessed the 154…year old colonial river to have flowed to its end at year 1997; to the edge of steep cliffs where things started to swirl downward like huge cascade。 
This was a critical moment in Chinese history; an era of mystery; mystery cities and a whole mystery generation。 Everything leaves no choice; but everything is tolerated one way or another。 All the inexplicable endings will always be elucidated eventually。 
There are four characters…two couples; all in their mid ages; in the story。 Each era has inflicted in the depth of their soul different shapes of; and ineradicable wounds。 The story takes this theme as its pillar that lifts up the whole stage of that distincive era; where scene after scene of human edy and tragedy is being played 。 Background and characters keep revolving; fantasy and reality keep interchanging; and ration and consciousness keep overlapping; over and over again。 In this era when perspectives on value; life and ideal are gravely dislocated; human flesh and sense organs are seeking pleasures; befuddled in physical desires whereas their spirit is struggling。 It is the sensual pleasures that wear away the spirit。   
Refined thoughts; vibrant psychological flow; vivid depiction; cultivated language; and sophisticated details; all carve out the most exquisite statue of the bits of daily life with one social genre in contemporary China and its rich spiritual world。 It is just like a delicate ancient china vase; precious but fragile; glimmering an alluring gleam in the dim light。 This represents a cross point of contemporary Chinese literature and world literature where the two bat face to face。 pared with all other Chinese literary works that takes 〃yellow earth〃 as their theme; this novel stands out in stark contrast; but not in conflict; both themes together build up the two sides of a personality of a multi…dimensional China。 
The truth is nothing but one step away。 
He stood there; hesitating for a few minutes…… But he was so calm; surprisingly calm; and he was also so very rational; amazingly rational; as if he were just a spectator watching a climax scene in a TV series; pletely irrelevant。 He thought it's OK; and that he was; after all; only returning the thing to the owner that he stole or robbed some thirty years ago? 
He opened the security lock; trying to leave through the front door; leaving this place to return to the Lake Resort to continue his writing。 But exactly at this moment; the moan in the room was being louder。 It was her sound of moan。 He was too familiar with that sound。 He pulled back his foot in the air half way over the threshold。 But he was telling himself: get out; and get out fast! …… He was in the living room looking around for something; and he found a wall calendar。 He took out a pen; and he wanted to make a mark on it; a mark so noticeable that only he could have possibly left: this moment on this day…… 
It is th
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